Saturday, January 18, 2020


Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time by notifying the other party. In particular, Tumblr may immediately terminate or suspend Accounts that have been flagged for repeat copyright infringement. So, anyway, my go to signal is the gift. Because, I mean, what harm is there in a gift? But really, irrespective of the size, they substitute for the social shit I can't do, and they don't work.

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Modifications will not apply retroactively. You are responsible for reviewing and becoming familiar with any modifications to this Agreement. We each exist to balance the other. But we are not in a steady state. This was the realisation we both had while I was on a phone call with M4 that I call Epiphany.

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Honestly I think I really know who's behind Kamilla account 😂🥲 also this one so ' Hi Eve and Michele ' or wait is it amber . A-M2-M3 is a confused little molecule. M2 is quite distant and seems not to readily share its electrons with A and M3 anymore. An orbital bond of the gold type seems doable.

tumblr home alone

The specific URLs of material that Tumblr has removed or to which Tumblr has disabled access. A statement made under penalty of perjury that the information provided in the notice is accurate and that the Notifying Party is authorized to make the complaint on behalf of the copyright owner. Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing, including its location, with sufficient detail so that Tumblr is capable of finding it and verifying its existence. By submitting a Promotion, you license Tumblr to run that Promotion for as long as you have specified, which, depending on the Promotion, may be perpetually. This license ends when the Promotion has been completed or cancelled, but it may take up to forty eight hours for a Promotion to stop being reflected on the Services. Purchases of Paid Services are final and non-refundable , except at Tumblr's sole discretion and in accordance with the rules governing each Paid Service.

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M2 was not happy with her life, and she, like me a month or three earlier, was seeking to change it. I was manic and kind of blissful, she was kind of sad but still energetic. She would say she cried a lot, and I called her one morning when she was really upset. I think I cheered her up a bit. I was reminded of that to day when I did a "run" to the PO and supermarket.

And it isn't long before my smalltalk is largetalk, because I have a lot to say actually. I'm just usually to shy to say it. In groups I can sometimes interject with a "smart arse" remark, but typically that does not endear me to the group or start a longer dialogue. For the sake of clarity, this includes any and all claims related to the security of your Account credentials.

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I had given up on the subliminal by then. Also as I have said to M2 subsequently, I was "loopy" that day, and I didn't really understand it was all public. But funnily enough when I did work it out, I became even loopier and started shouting out to people to come and visit me at home. And said some other way too honest stuff which really got me in trouble. Even when talking with friends, until there is a rhythm, I can't do the smalltalk.

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She was the opposite of D and M1. I could say stupid shit and not be immediately judged. I proposed to her a few times, and she only got mad once because she thought I was mocking her.

I took a deep breath as and turned around, the bag in my hand. I slowly walked through the hallway, the uneasy feeling only growing stronger the more steps I took. To calm my nerves, I flipped the light switch in the room on and continued my way.

tumblr home alone

Put like that, the opposite of me really. But I feel some common background- a family and an education which never quite appreciated our true talents and aptitude. And while I finished my degree and ended up with a full time job, it never fit right. Conversely M2 never found a long term job, and really was quite angry that she never got her degree. She told me a lot of other stuff too, but I won’t replay it. I was feeling lonely and physically homesick (with flu-like symptoms) one night at the end of my first overseas trip to Singapore in 2011.

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If you do not wish to pay the new prices, you may choose not to purchase, or to cancel, the applicable Paid Service prior to the change going into effect. I’ve got … so many of these incidents to share, but I can’t keep listing them without a reason. I require solid financial support. (I haven’t decided the amount, but 3000 ought to be fine? I don’t know) $ to be precise, so that I can apply for education in a better country, leave here, and make way for my mum and sister.

tumblr home alone

The more people complain about me, the more of an impact I know I’m having. No one bothers you if you don’t have any influence. The above listings are based only on either Seller's listing information or Etsy marketplace data. Gene doesn’t look up from his page when he hears Burgie’s question, too engrossed in the sketch he’s working on.

Tumblr retains the right to create limits on and related to use of the Services in its sole discretion at any time with or without notice. Tumblr may also impose limits on certain Services or aspects of those Services or restrict your access to parts or all of the Services without notice or liability. Tumblr may change, suspend, or discontinue any or all of the Services at any time, including the availability of any product, feature, database, or Content . Tumblr may also terminate or suspend Accounts at any time, in its sole discretion. Textbook social anxiety right there. I can't talk to people about relationship stuff in real life, but every now and then I get up the courage to make some kind of stupid atypical signal of who knows what.

Silver is an outside chance at best. The storybook is open because I only have the front cover, and I don’t want to write it. Truth is it was by talking with M2 and trying to explain what happened I found comfort and solace.

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The second time it was a complex molecule A-M1-D-M3. And when that didn’t seem possible anymore, I tried an A-M2-M3. But just as is it is possible for real molecules, reconstitution is also possible for imagined molecules. If you are a United States federal, state, or local government agency or body, using the Services in your official capacity, and legally unable to accept the clauses in this Section, then this Section doesn’t apply to you. The acts of third parties generally (i.e., individuals or entities who are not Tumblr or a Tumblr Affiliate), including third party sites and services.

As it turned out, D didn't appreciate his stuff from the pizza restaurant, and M1 was a bit confused by me giving her anything, but accepted it gracefully. I should have realised it was a rerun and the ending would be just as bad if not worse. Some shitty dance thing from the 90s that she liked. I even used it as my message tone for a short while. Cringeworthy part of the story over.

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